Neck muscles

Correcting Neck Posture is a Whole-Body Thang by Deborah Tosline

This article summarizes the anecdotal results, experience and path that I took to correct my neck posture. Typically, I summarize research on a particular topic for monthly articles. Periodically, I write about my personal experience. This article is another long story about me. I apologize in advance for the personal focus but do hope that someone may benefit from my experience. In my mid-late 50’s I began in earnest to try to correct my neck posture; I soon learned that I would have to correct my body posture first and I continue today.

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Keeping it Together with a Strong Platysma by Deborah Tosline

There are many reasons to keep the Platysma and other neck muscles strong and flexible. Neck muscles support blood flow to the brain and protect motor neurons and brain to body messages. They help you breathe, swallow, and eat. Strong neck muscles help prevent neck strain and maintain refined facial and neck contours.

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