
My Decades Long Sauna Compulsion by Deborah Tosline

Starting in the late 1970’s, I educated myself on exercise, nutrition and healthy living. I developed a lifestyle routine based on how I felt a couple of hours after I ate, drank or experienced something. If I felt good, I repeated the experience. Over time, I noticed that my lifestyle choices were beneficial to my well-being. Experiencing good results on multiple levels, in a variety of ways, validated that I could trust my gut instinct to guide my nature-based life path. The first time that I used a sauna, I felt good and knew that sauna bathing would be a new routine.

Eliminate Blackheads and Balance the Skin using the Oil Cleansing Method by Deborah Tosline

Facial skin looks healthiest when the skin’s natural oil production is balanced and it looks smoothest when pores are clean and tight. Skin pores are openings associated with hair follicles that excrete oils and sweat. Natural oils are excreted via skin pores to lubricate the skin. Oil, dirt and dead skin cells can form a plug that clogs skin pores and promotes bacterial growth.

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