Dermarolling to Rejuvenate Lips by Deborah Tosline

For decades, I obeyed the recommendations of skin care specialists and avoided using strong Do-It-Yourself (DIY) products and devices on eye, neck and lip skin.

Over time, I noticed that my eye and neck skin were not improving or even maintaining good health when compared to the skin exposed to DIY advanced skin care methods. When I noticed this difference, I made a choice to treat my eye and neck skin the same as my facial skin and began applying strong DIY active ingredients and dermarolling treatments to the eye and neck skin. As a result, my eye and neck skin is slowly rejuvenating.

Despite my revelation to treat eye and neck skin the same as facial skin I continued to neglect my lips.

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Yes, Do-It-Yourself Advanced Skin Treatment Devices Work. The Science of Increasing Collagen by Deborah Tosline

Initiating a biochemical healing cascade (BHC) in the skin results in rejuvenation and better skin health. The BHC strives to maintain balance in the little biome universe of us. The primary action is an old story with a relevant premise; when it comes to skin and health “Use it or lose it” is truth.