
DIY Flaxseed Gel for Nature-Based, Inexpensive, Gloriously Nutritious and Heat Protective Hair Care by Deborah Tosline

Let’s deviate from facial care and discuss hair care because Do-It-Yourself (DIY) flaxseed gel is so freaking amazing! Flaxseed gel promotes hair health, protects hair during styling, is inexpensive to make, is beneficial to personal health and bonus - it’s great for skin!

Isolation and Beyond - DIY Hair Trim and Care References by Deborah Tosline

Hmmmm. Do-It-Yourself (DIY) hair trims may be intimidating. I am not talking about giving yourself a new haircut, just a little trim in a pinch. I began DIY hair trims in 2019. I know more about skin than hair but under self-isolating conditions, it seems like a good time to share my personal experience with DIY hair trimming.

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