
Review – Wholesale Natural Body Care by Deborah Tosline

In 2015, the Environmental Working Group found that women apply “168 chemicals to their faces and bodies every day”. A 2023 study from the College of Charleston, found that “on average, young women use eight different personal care products each day that can contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals, but some report as many as 17.” To promote good health (Health = Beauty) it is vital to choose personal care products (PCPs) carefully. I make many of my PCPs including tinctures, serums, oil blends, lotions, creams, masks, and deodorant to name a few. Over the decades, I’ve made conscious decisions to avoid/minimize my exposure to synthetic chemicals making it difficult for me to find retail products that I would use. Every once in a while, I research skin care and this time I found Wholesale Natural Body Care.

The True Cost of Making a Luxury DIY Skin Care Cream by Deborah Tosline

Over the decades most of my DIY skin moisturizing needs involved adding vitamins, nutraceuticals, and advanced, active, skin care ingredients to retail creams. I gravitated towards products that contained basic pure ingredients. The DIY approach fit my slim pocketbook and desire for luxury skin care. I rarely used body creams and lotions; I did not like them… too many chemicals. I used a lot of raw oils. In recent years, I began making emulsified creams and while it has been a simple chemistry experiment, I’ve had mixed results, until recently.

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